At the Babergh Planning Committee on the 25th October 2017 the members agreed by a majority of 10 to 3 to grant outline permission for the Chilton Woods Planning Application subject to a suitable Section 106 agreement being agreed by the applicant and BDC.

Chilton Parish Council’s Comments on Taylor Wimpey’s Design Code Documents

Comments on Taylor Wimpeys Design Code Document


Babergh’s Planning Committee are to meet at Hadleigh on Wednesday 25th October 2017 at 9.30am to determine the Chilton Woods Planning Application. Full Details regarding the meeting can be found HERE on the Babergh website and you can read the Officer’s Report to the Planning Committee in which it is recommended to grant permission.

Chilton Parish Council (CPC) has sent its response to both the third consultation and the Officer’s Report which you can find below:

Chilton Parish Council response dated the 20th October 2017

Chilton Woods Section 106 details


On the 14th September 2017 Babergh District Council announced that a further consultation would take place following further submissions by the applicant. Chilton Parish Council (CPC) has arranged an extra meeting on Monday 2nd October 2017 starting at 7.30pm in Great Waldingfield Village Hall to review the addtional information, which can be found on the BDC WEBSITE. Responses have to be sent to BDC by the 5th October 2017.


Chilton Parish Council response to the Second Consultation on the Chilton Woods Planning Application dated 4th July 2017

On the 15th May 2017 Babergh District Council announced that the second consultation was now taking place regarding the proposals for Chilton Woods. There is a 6 week consultation period with the closing date for public responses on 26th June 2017.

Chilton Parish Council (CPC) has been very surprised that the additional material supplied by Suffolk County Council (SCC) does not include a revised transport assessment for the scheme. In the first consultation, residents, parish councils’ and SCC Highway’s consultant highlighted a number of weaknesses in the proposals and CPC was assured that any re-consultation would include a revised transport assessment. This has not happened.

CPC will be holding the first of 2 meetings on the planning application on Monday 19th June 2017 in Great Waldingfield Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. This will allow time for residents to raise any queries or concerns on the proposals with CPC and to then write to Babergh ahead of the closing date for public responses on the 26th June 2017. CPC will finalise its draft response at the meeting on the 3rd July 2017 in Great Waldingfield Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

You will find all the latest information in relation to the consultation in the following links:



Babergh on the 15th May 2017 stated:

Following our last update, the applicant has submitted new plans and details that reflect ongoing discussions with the planning team, consultees, and comments received from other interested parties.

All plans previously received remain as submitted, with the exception of the Illustrative Masterplan and Land Use Parameter Plan.

Consequently, the description of development has changed to the following, with changes to the original planning application in bold:

“Up to 1,150 dwellings (Use Class C3); 15ha of employment development (to include B1, B2 and B8 uses, a hotel (C1), a household waste recycling centre (sui generis) and a district heating network); village centre comprising up to 1,000m2 Gross Floor Area (GFA) of retail floor space (A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5), village hall (D2), workspace (B1a), residential dwellings (C3), primary school (D1), pre-school (D1) and car parking; new points of vehicular access and associated works; sustainable transport links; community woodland; open space (including children’s play areas); sustainable drainage (SuDS); sports pavilion (D2) and playing fields; allotments; and associated ancillary works.”

Other information includes an Addendum to the submitted Environmental Statement and an updated drainage strategy.

All of the information submitted has now been uploaded to the planning pages of our website, available here: Babergh Planning Pages – B/15/1718 (Chilton Woods) . For ease of reference, the new details are dated 11th May 2017.

Due to the information received, the Council is engaging in a new period of consultation from Monday 15th May 2017, for a period of 6 weeks. If you wish to comment, please do so by the 26th June 2017.

Due to changes to our Planning Service, please note that it will not be possible to comment through the website until after the 1st June 2017. Alternatively, please send your representations:

via email –;

or letter, addressed to –

Planning Dept., Babergh District Council, Corks Lane, Hadleigh IP7 6SJ.


Chilton Parish Council response to the First Consultation on the Chilton Woods Planning Application dated 22nd March 2016

Babergh District Council announced in early 2016 that

“The Chilton Woods planning application (ref: B/15/01718/FUL) has now been registered for the development of 1,100 homes, with supporting schools, shops, employment land and other community facilities. The application is in “outline” to establish the principle of the site. It seeks to establish the broad parameters of the proposal including the highway access arrangements, but all other matters such as house designs are “reserved” for subsequent planning applications to determine at a later date.

Comments about the proposed development are invited from interested persons by Wednesday 23rd March 2016.”

The Sudbury Society have produced Notes interpreting the Chilton Woods Planning Application and the Annotated Documents List for the documents logged under the application on the Babergh website.

Concerns with Chilton Woods Planning Application

Further to our February newsletter, at the Chilton Parish Council (CPC) meeting on Monday 7th March 2016 the councillors agreed that the current outline planning application for Chilton Woods fails to support the aspirations of the local community for such a development.

Rather than working with the community to get the best possible high quality scheme, it still feels like a housing scheme to be imposed on the local community at the lowest cost and maximum profit to Suffolk County Council (SCC) and future developers. CPC has objected on a number of issues but in particular on the following points:

  • The application is accompanied by an “illustrative” Masterplan for the development. There is no obligation on SCC to carry out the development in conformity with the “illustrative” Masterplan.
  • The Masterplan only shows how the site could look but not how it will look. Therefore everything could be different and as a result predictions as to traffic, noise, visual impact and level of development are all estimates and uncertain.
  • The new access road off Springlands Way, west of Tesco, going through the industrial area of Chilton Woods is essential from the start of the development. All construction traffic should use this entrance while the site is developed. To route construction through Aubrey Drive and Reynolds Way for a number of years while the site is being developed is unacceptable.
  • The proposals to improve the road infrastructure around the development in order to cope with increased traffic show signs of failure / overcapacity when the site is only partly developed in 2024. SCC needs to demonstrate that any infrastructure improvements will still work when the development is complete in 2031.
  • The new primary school and nursery along with the village hall / community facilities need to be developed early in Phase 1 and not wait until more than half the site is built. The need to transport children from the development to other local schools should be kept to the minimum.
  • The draft Section 106 Agreement is deficient as there are several planning obligations missing e.g. capital sum for the supply and installation of the community woodland.
  • The proposed village hall and village green should be integrated and not be separated by a busy road.
  • The sports pitches should also be located next to the village centre to help its viability.
  • The planting of trees, particularly where the development will impact existing properties, should take place at the start of the development.
  • The improvements to assist traffic flow around the Homebase and McDonald roundabouts, should be actioned at the start of the development.

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